Here is this week's DESTASH post! Today, I've got mostly wool roving, along with a couple of batts and one lot of random small fiber samples. Most of what I have today is probably best for felting, though there are a couple that would spin great. But, you can use these for anything you can think of! I WILL note for each item, though, if it's best for felting or spinning based on how easy it is to draft. Some of the merino I have here was very difficult for me to draft, which is part of why I am destashing it. Since I have problems with my hands on occasion, I really need to spin fiber that drafts easily, and some of these were just a little too tough for me. But, that doesn't mean the lovely fiber should go to waste - I'm sure others would be able to spin them, OR, as I said earlier - they'd be great for felting! I even have one lot of 3 needle-felting kits! Perfect if you'd like to try or maybe want to try with a group! :) But, I've rambled enough - here is the destash list for today -
First, the "rules" -
Each item has a price listed. I prefer paypal payment.
Shipping is FREE in the USA. I prefer not to ship these internationally, but if you live outside the USA and are interested, please
email me for shipping costs.
If you buy 3 or more lots, you may get a discount, usually 10%, but it does depend on the items purchased, and I can't always promise a discount. The ones listed today are already listed below what I paid.
To purchase, please
kittygrrlzinc@yahoo.comIn the case of multiple requests for the same item, I will go by whoever emailed first.
I will remove items as they are sold.
The first items are all SPUNKY CLUB fibers from
SpunkyEclectic. I was a club member and always got double so most of these lots are 8 oz. The cost was $26 and most of these 8 oz lots are priced at $20 - and remember, that includes shipping! Here are the Spunky Club lots -

First, is "Goblin Eyes", Romney wool, a total of 7.8 oz from October 2007. "October is the month of scary ghouls, goblins, ghosts, and all things scary and terrific. Every time I've seen a Goblin their eyes seem to be able to change. Black, white, green, orange, purple, and sometimes an awful scary combination of them all." = $20

Second, is "Party Dress", Superwash Corriedale wool, a total of 8.1 oz from December 2007. "When I came up with this colorway is just screamed 80s colored party dresses. Bright and cheerful, ready for that New Years party." Bright green, red, and bright blue. = $20

Finally, the last of the Spunky Club fiber lots - "Harvest Haze", Lincoln wool, total of 7.8 oz (with just a bit of it spun up). Soft shades of green and peachy orange and a bit of pale purple/lavender. IF you've never spun Lincoln wool before - here is more information - "The staple length is a staggering 8-15 inches (20-38 cm). The micron count is rated at 37-41. So now you know it's not the softest. But, it is strong and so super shiny. It's main uses would be for outerwear, rugs or to blend with other fibers for strength." = $20

This lot includes two braids of 22 micron hand dyed merino top from
EweGiveMeTheKnits in color "Chocolate Dipped Berries". Each braid is 3.5 oz for a total of 7 oz. total for both = $25 (if you only want one braid, they are $15 each - better savings if you buy both)

Here is a 2 oz lot of hand dyed Corriedale wool, would be great for felting, I think. Dark blues and purples with a bit of red. 2 oz = $8

Here is some hand dyed alpaca from
NorthStarAlpacas - in bright shades of orange, yellow, and pink. It is 75% white alpaca from Okko, 30% Merino lamb from genopalette and 5% Mohair from SpinningMoonFarm. 2.5 oz = $9

Here is 3.3 oz of "Indian Princess", a blended batt from
TerraBellaSpun. Includes wool, superwash merino, and gold sparkle. = $15

Another set of hand dyed domestic wool braids dyed by the
Yarn Wench, another custom request, this time in shades of purple and orange. Braids are 3.8 and 3.7 oz for a total of 7.5 oz = $20

The above two pictures are the next lot - another two batches of hand dyed domestic wool dyed by the
Yarn Wench in color "Vibe" - bright shades of orange with a bit of green. 4.1 oz and 4.5 oz for a total of 8.6 oz = $20

This is another lot that would be good for felting as the pink roving shown here, while merino wool, is *very* difficult to draft, so would be best used for felting or for "knitting-with-roving" projects. There is 3.8 oz of pink, 1.1 oz of orange, and 1.9 oz of bright yellow, 1.1 oz of lighter yellow, and .4 oz of natural colored wool. Total = 8.3 oz = $14
The next lot combines 3 needle felting kits I purchased when I thought I would start needle-felting. It's not that I don't want to, actually, but the truth is, I don't have time. So, I'm offering all three kits together in one lot. This way, you will receive plenty of bits of wool and sparkle, 3 different foam blocks, several bandaids, multiple needles, and different instructions. The
Crafty Ass Chick set includes pinbacks, too, to make flower pins (along with the instructions to make such flower pins). Here is a picture of the 3 sets -

The large set is the
CraftyAssChick set which includes instructions on how to make the flower pins (I paid $40 for this set alone!). The other set is from
YarnPunk and includes some thicker sparkle (I paid $9). The other kit, I'm not sure where I got it from, but is also included (7.95 price tag). ALL THREE SETS = $40 (that's basically getting the two smaller kits for FREE)
I'm including this lot here today because some of the wools I've posted today would be great for felting!
So, that's it for this week! I still have some loose fibers/locks available from last week. You can see what is still available
HERE and
1 comment:
interested in the green/yellow falkland, the Wine and Vine, and the Freya.
Let me know if they are not taken, and a total... I can paypal you!
jesus_iscomin AT yahoo DOT com
My7kids Recycled Yarn Shop
HeartFeltFun Accessory Boutique
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