So, this weekend was pretty great in that I spun ALOT. Saturday alone I spun *6* skeins of yarn! Yay! I love days when I can get that much done. I didn't do quite as much on Sunday, but still got some more bamboo spun up . . . . before I get to pictures of this weekend's spinning, I just want to mention that over on
DancingMooney's blog, "
Random Musings About Art, and Life" it is the time for here
What's in the Bag? Giveaway! If you would like to win a great bag of goodies from Etsy sellers,
check it out! :)
Now, on to the pictures . . .
First, the bamboo. This first yarn is another spin of bamboo two-ply, the color I've been calling "Summer Carnival". This batch was spun just a bit thinner, so it turned out to be more DK than Worsted weight. I've got 306 yards! This may or may not be a special request, but either way I do hope to have it listed soon. It was spun by me from hand dyed bamboo fiber from the

More bamboo - this was actually spun up on Sunday . . . again, fiber from FiberLady, hand dyed bamboo . . . I'm calling these "Violets R Blue", though it was spun from her "Ocean Dusk" colorway. Again, one or both might be spoken for already, but if not, they will be listed soon, too.

The top skein is 220 yards and the bottom is 170 - both sport weight.
Then, there were the single plys! I spun up one on Friday. This deserves a little special attention because it is my first
LOOP batt! Naomi of
Ryono Creations was kind enough to share one her
LOOP batts (I believe it was Sunset Spectacle). I received it on Thursday but couldn't spin it until Friday . . . . and all I can say is . . . WOW! It was so wonderful to spin, I think it was the alpaca in it that made it such a smooth spin, and the recycled silk added texture and color, plus the merino wool . . . just, well, it was so great I could resist no longer and joined her "
Spontaneous Spinning Club" - one "Spontaneous Spinning Batt" a month for the next 6 months! I can't wait for my first one! Anyways, here is a picture of the single ply yarn - I'm calling it "
Sunset Wish" and it is now listed on
etsy and my
website. It is 130 yards, mostly DK weight with some thicker sections and very soft!

Then, on Saturday, I did spin up two more single ply yarns from hand dyed Falkland wool, dyed by the
Yarn Wench. The first is "Strawberry Mocha Creme" (from the roving of the same name) and it is 165 yards of DK weight yarn. I just love these colors and actually spun up some bamboo in similar colors last night!

"Golden Peacock" is 155 yards of DK weight as well, spun from the colorway "Titian".

I also spun up some more "Eye Candy"! I had been planning on spinning up the last batch of fiber I had in this colorway, but got an extra incentive when I had a query about it . . . SO, I spun up two skeins, but only one is still available:

And, finally, later on Saturday night (I finished these around 10pm!), were two more skeins of "Turquoise Sands Surprise" Novel-Ply Yarn. I liked the first skein so much, and since I did still have some of the remaining fiber from my alchemy request, I decided it would become two more Novel-Ply skeins. Both are spun thick/thin (merino wool, of course) and then plied with super soft Angel Hair Yarn. Both are available now.

So, I think that is it! Tonight, it is more bamboo and some knitting . . . tomorrow I hope to venture into some art yarn spinning again . . . we'll see.
seriously, you spin the most delicious yarns! I am having serious yarn withdrawal here(I am on a no yarn diet" until I can get rid of some of my older stuff)
But I am bookmarking you as a fave!!
So many gorgeous yarns here - I am literally drooling : P
Wow! These are all gorgeous! I may have to pick up knitting or crocheting again. You do beautiful work.
thank you all! i really appreciate the kind words :)
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