In other news, I have been working on a custom request. The other night I spun up two example skeins out of some of the extra fiber. The fiber is hand dyed merino wool, dyed (of course) by Lynn aka the Yarn Wench in shades of brown and turquoise/teal. Since they were only examples, and I'll be spinning the custom request yarn from a slightly different batch, I've decided to offer these two skeins up for sale. One of them is already up and available on etsy.
Here is the second skein. This one isn't quite available yet and I'm not sure if I'll list it right away - this is the same style as the custom yarn will be and there is a chance I may need it for that order. I have slightly different batches of the fiber, though, with a little more turquoise in them that I am hoping will be enough for the custom order. But, here is the sample skein - 70 yards and plied with copper thread in the "Rocky Roads" style (mostly bulky weight but then has coils/beehives randomly throughout!)
And, here is a sneak peek at a new yarn I spun last night. I'm not sure what I'm going to call it, but it is spun from hand dyed merino wool dyed by the Yarn Wench in a color called "Wildbirds". I spun in blue, brown, and peach yarns and plied with copper thread. This skein is 110 yards, 3.7 oz, and I do plan on spinning a matching skein either tonight or tomorrow. (Can't decide if I want to do this one again or do a new one that I prepped last night!) (edited to add a better picture!)
I think that's all for now!
your yarns are very beautiful
As a yarn addict, you are very dangerous for me!!
oh wow, your yarn is gorgeous! Such pretty color combinations. I'm ooh'ing and aah'ing over here.
xx Tia
thank you both! :) spinning keeps me sane, i think!
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