Anyways, I finally managed to spin the two batches of merino that I had - these seemed a bit darker and deep in color, so it was a good thing that I had to find new yarns to spin in since I'd run out of some of the "staples" I had used in previous versions. There are still a couple of the same yarns from previous batches, but these new skeins have some new ones added in, too. I am still plying with the same color of thread, though.
Here is a mosaic of the 4 most recent skeins.
You can find them on etsy -
Plum Divine 2009 1A - 84 yards
Plum Divine 2009 1B - 76 yards
Plum Divine 2009 2A - 88 yards
Plum Divine 2009 2B - 80 yards
Now, the decision is what to do with the other fiber batches I have! I have 8-12 ounces of this color in a merino/silk blend, and 16 ounces in a Falkland that feels almost like a Falkland/Merino cross. The merino/silk will most likely become a 3ply, but I'm not sure about the Falkland - singles? 2ply? more art yarns? For now, I'm going to spin other things, but this will be in the back of my mind.
And, now, I must get to work spinning some new colors!
1 comment:
Your welcome! It's lovely! :D
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