Red Maple Buds - skein 1 and skein 2
Mahogany Teal 90 yards
Mahogany Teal 74 yards
In other news, I'm not doing so well on the whole blog-more-often-and-about-more-than-yarn front. Often times, when I'm spinning, I think of things to write about, but then when I sit down I just don't have the focus or energy or desire to post!?! I think it's my whole weird feelings towards blogging itself. Even though I am one who wrote in a diary, journal, or just a plain "notebook" for years - well into and after college - the idea of writing my thoughts in a blog just seems . . . weird to me. I'm just not comfortable with it. So, I end up posting about what I am most comfortable with - my yarns and spinning and fiber! :) Which isn't probably that exciting for most people. But, this IS my life, especially now that I'm doing this full-time, it really does consume me.
But, in an effort to mix it up a bit, and try and expand the topics of my blog, I am going to start doing "Randoms" postings which will be about something OTHER than yarn or fiber. I'd also like to post now and then about the full-time-business-aspect.
Of course, we'll see how this goes. I'd like to start now, but I must get to work! The bamboo is calling!
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