In other news - I wanted to post today about my new favoritest yarn!!! Here is what I wrote about it the other day -
"How this one came about -
When I got this fiber in the mail this week I was actually a little disappointed - not in the color necessarily - but because I thought it would have some of the dark green in it like the Sabrina colorways. My fault for not looking more closely at the pictures. So, I was going to relegate it to one of the bins for "later".
Then, yesterday, I went to Michaels and Joanns on the hunt for some dark purple yarns for more "Plum Divine" yarns. I happened to pick up 3 different dark plum shades of yarn.
Last night, while organizing and re-organizing, I realized that some of the dark yarns I got would work really well with this colorway. And, the pinks to contrast with the darks . . . and I also had that dark brown"Punk" yarn . . . and the dark blues used in "Mahogany Peacock".
and, before I knew it, I had a new art yarn planned. Last night, the name I had thought of was "Plum Cherry Blues" - my typical color-based name . . . but then this morning while spinning it there was something about it that reminded me of the 80s . . . maybe that purple and pink combination? - and the song Tainted Love popped into my head - thus, the new name for the yarn!
It is spun from merino wool hand dyed by the Yarn Wench in color "Black Cherry" and has novelty yarns in dark plum, dark blue, dark brown, and bright pink spun in along with 3 colors of angelina and plied with matching pink thread.
Totally awesome! :) "
I also spun up a new single ply yarn the other day - from an alpaca/merino/silk blend -
I also have a new Novel-Ply yarn up at my website - this one will be on etsy later and I also have more Novel-Ply yarns ready to be listed soon. I was hoping to get most of them listed today and tomorrow. Here is the one that is already up on my site -
Okay, I think that is it from me this morning. Hopefully, I will hear from yahoo and be able to get back into my email account soon, but in the mean time - I've got to get ready to go to the Wisconsin State Fair today!
The yarn sounds wonderful..Hope you get back into Yahoo..what a pain that can be..and enjoy the Fair..You know that will be fun..
wow - these yarns ae gorgeous! just off the heart your etsy shop for when i have a bit of money to spend on MORE yarn! :)
thanks for your comments! :)
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