I'm a librarian, spinner, knitter! This is my blog for crafty things, updates to my shop and more.
You can check out my handspun yarns here - Kitty Grrlz Hand Spun Yarns and my hand knit items here - Kitty Grrlz Hand Knits

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New yarn . . .

So, at random times during the day and night, I think of things that I want to post here in my blog . . . but by the time I actually sit down and am ready to put the thoughts down - they are gone. Or, they just don't seem as important any more. I mean, really, who wants to listen to my opinion about American Idol?? Or what I think about Brett Favre retiring??

This means that today, I'm just going to show you my new yarn. This is the one I previewed yesterday, but got *much* better pictures of it yesterday and it is now listed on my site and on etsy. I also finished the matching skein last night. It is a little different, since I seem almost incapable of spinning two skeins *exactly* the same . . so, more on that one in a minute.

Here is the one already completed and listed. I am calling it "The Green Man - Tales from the Mythic Forest". This is the title of a poetry/prose collection that I became familiar with through my young adult librarian experience. I will admit here that I have not actually read the entire book - but it has always been highly recommended and has some wonderful authors that contributed. You can find out more info (or buy it for yourself!) here on amazon.com.

This (and the second skein as well) are also my entires for the EtsyFAST March Challenge, the theme of which is "Fairy Tales". I initially wanted my "Irish Fairy Tale" yarns to be for this challenge, but they sold immediately. So, I spun this one, thinking it would also be called Irish Fairy Tale, but . . . as I spun it I just kept thinking of the cover of the above book . . . so that is what it is called.

It is a whopping 114 yards and 4.1 oz! It is spun from merino wool and has several high-quality specialty yarns spun in as well as a couple colors of "Fun Fur". It is plied with dark greenish blue rayon thread. Here are a couple of pictures:

The second skein, which will be listed later this afternoon, is very similar. It is 110 yards, and has the same yarns spun in. It is plied half with gold metallic thread and the other half with green thread. It will be called "A bit of Irish Lore" or, maybe "Leprechaun Gold" - I'm not sure yet!

I also listed the pretty pink/white/cream/tan bamboo yarn that I showed yesterday. You can find it on my website or on etsy by clicking the picture below:

And, finally, I also listed the Jazz Garden shawl on etsy yesterday. You can find it on my website as well, or click on the picture below to find it on etsy.

That's all for now! :)

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