So, here are much better pictures of the yarn I "sneak-peek-ed" yesterday. I really think I have to stop taking pictures at night. I get such better results in the afternoons. Anyways, here is "Ocean Dreams" Both skeins are 56 yards, spun from hand dyed Falkland wool, with lots of novelty and specialty yarns spun in, and plied with coils and beehives around a matching thread.
I also finished an art yarn last night that I should have listed this afternoon. It will also have a matching skein that I'll probably spin up tonight (depends on the dinner thing!) But, here is a sneak peek (again with the night-time picture, but it does give the general idea)**I have removed the original (bad) picture! Look for better pics in my next post!
It's actually one large skein of 82 yards and one mini-mini-skein of 12 yards. I think I will be listing them together since the mini skein is so small. But, we'll see.
On the wheel for the weekend - not sure. I have some pretty green merino/tencel I want to spin up, and maybe some more bamboo. I have so many art yarns I want to spin, but need to match up some novelty yarns to go along with them. So, we'll see. I'm also determined to finish another Triangle Shawl this weekend.
But, for now, must get to work!
Beautiful yarn. Makes me wish I could knit. :)
I think Ocean Dreams is my favorite!
Thank you both! :)
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