So, we are getting lots of snow here in Wisconsin so it is home for me today. Not that I don't love my job, but I don't really believe in risking my life just so I can catalog books. And, it seems there are others who share my stay-at-home sentiments since there are TONS of places closed -- including ALL of the area shopping malls!?!?!? I don't know if I ever remember a time when the *malls* closed!! Besides, these kind of snowy blowy days make me just want to stay in . . . and spin! :) So, I will be getting to that soon, but first . . .
Some of you may know
HOLLYEQQ.COM (she also has an
etsy store, but usually sells wonderful brightly dyed fiber from her website). Well, some of her friends from the fiber community are trying to raise some money for her for some upcoming medical bills . . . for more details, please check out the
Homestead Wool & Gift Farm site. They give all the information as well as have wonderful items to purchase and all the proceeds go to Holly. I have two yarns that I have donated (you can click on the pictures to go to the link to buy):
Patience Hand Spun Merino Two Ply

Neon Taffy Song (Neon Holly) Art Yarn

I'll be totally honest and say that I usually don't do things like this, as there is always someone in need . . . but I want to help Holly - she is one of the first "fiber" people I found online and am always cheered by the bright colors she uses and the fun yarns she spins! I feel I "know" her in a way, so want to help and hope that if you love yarns and fibery goodness, you will check out
the site and make a purchase to help out!
And, before I get offline to spin, I'll leave with a picture of the two new yarns I spun last night. I haven't had time to take "good" pics today, so this is one from last night - they are both spun from hand dyed merino wool from the Yarn Wench (color called Milkyway), but I am calling them "Midnight Stardust" - the Stardust part coming from the wonderful story by Neil Gaiman.

I should have to top, coily one on etsy later, but I *think* the other one (the art yarn) is already spoken for, which means I need to get spinning so I have something new for tomorrow . . . though I also plan on getting some knitting done today to make the most of my snow day!
Great yarn colors! (& anything Neil Gaiman inspired is a-okay by me)
Thank you! :)
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