First, WOW this is two days in a row I am posting! Woohoo!
As always, I have a few new yarns to share. But, first, I'd like to mention a great blog that I'm currently featured on -
MoonDogTreasures. She features some wonderful etsy sellers that offer a variety of handmade goodies, as well as makes some great jewelry herself - here is one of my favorites:

I'd also like to mention another customer of mine that is using my yarns in the wonderful scarves she knits! You can find
Phydeaux Designs on etsy, as well as her
blog here. She knit this yarn:

into a fabulous scarf! Click on the picture above to see the listing on etsy! Check out her shop for other wonderful cozy scarves, too!
Now, here are the new yarns . . . several of these have already been spoken for, but the others are or will be listed soon. First, two that ARE available and just the perfect thing needed to brighten up these dreary days we've been having! Neon Taffy and Neon Taffy Song are both spun from Falkland wool (dyed by the
Yarn Wench) with lots of novelty yarns spun in and plied with colorful thread.

Then, there are the "Last Tango" skeins, also spun from Falkland wool dyed by the Yarn Wench. These two are spoken for, but here is a picture anyways:

Then, there are two I just spun up last night. The first is also already spoken for, and the second will be listed later today. They are both spun from hand dyed merino wool (again, dyed by the Yarn Wench), a color called "Aegean". The first has lots of Cotswold locks spun in and novelty yarns. The locks and two of the yarns were also hand dyed by Lynn aka the Yarn Wench. Plied with green thread. The second is spun and then plied with OnLine Linie "Shari" yarn. Similar to the "Lime Cosmos" skein, except this one - the base fiber is more blue than green.

That's all the new goodies I have for now. Not sure what I'll be spinning next as I've also got to get some knitting done for a show this weekend - it is the
HIGH NOON SALOON Valentine CRAFTACULAR in Madison, Wisconsin - at the High Noon Saloon! The Craftacular shows are always fun so I am really looking forward to it! BUT, I do want to have at least a few new knits for it, so I must get going on that this week! I have really been trying to have one new yarn a day, but that may not happen this week as I prepare for the show. We'll see, though . . I always *say* I'm going to knit, but the call of the spinning wheel is too strong, and I end up spinning instead!
Well, I think that is it! Yay for posting two days in a row . . . can I make it 3??
These are gorgeous yarns!
Hey, thanks for the link! More importantly, thanks for the BEAUTIFUL yarn!!!
thank you, annie!
and, you're welcome brenda! :)
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