So, the stress of the upcoming shows is really hitting. I will be in
Boulder Junction, WI on Sunday, August 12 and
Eagle River on August 15. I'll also be visiting my Dad and Grandma, and it sounds like my sister will also be up there on the weekend. But, that's the upcoming weekend, let me briefly update on this PAST weekend! :)
I did some knitting--finished two light weight accessory scarves on Friday & Saturday from super soft nylon microfiber yarn. They were popular at Art vs Craft, so I wanted to have a few more. (I will eventually have pictures up just haven't edited them yet.) Saturday I took a break and we went to a Brewer's baseball game. (They won!) Then, on Sunday, my main "work" day I ended up not spinning or knitting, but instead made 200 bookmarks! They are my "yarn p0rn" bookmarks--made from pictures I took of my yarn, printed out on high gloss paper, then cut/cropped and laminated. I also have two sayings that I put on the back, the one I thought was fairly clever, though I don't know, maybe it's a little too dorky--"There's always time for another good Yarn." I also did a few with pics of Bug (my cat) and the one of her through my spinning wheel turned out to be my favorite, I think. I will eventually be posting pics of these, too, but just haven't had time. If they sell at the shows, I may eventually get them up on
my site or on
Tonight, I started and completed another summery Triangle Shawl (I also finished one up last night so that leaves only ONE more i want to finish before the shows). I finally figured out a much easier way to do the fringe, so now I don't dread knitting them!
Tomorrow, I plan on spinning up Russet Tealberry, more gorgeous wool from the Yarn Wench. I'll also spin up some odds and ends for yarn to use on my keychains. Wednesday I will knit that last triangle shawl, and Thursday finish up the odds and ends I have and maybe spin another yarn. We'll see.
I have no idea if I'll have internet access while up north. I know I won't have any access on Sunday and Wednesday, but I'm hoping to take my laptop and use the WIFI at the library (from what my sister says) on Monday and Tuesday so I can update inventory on my sites, etc.
I will still be online this week but probably not spending alot of time blogging or on etsy. No new items will be added until I return from the shows. I will of course keep an eye on the
Yarn Wench site for an update, though! :)
Now, it's off to bed . . .