So, this will be another picture-heavy post as I've been busy spinning away!
First, though, here are two pairs of hand knit wristwarmers that I knit last week from my own hand spun Navajo 3-ply yarn. They are listed in my new shop just for my hand knits:
Kitty Grrlz Knits as well as on
my website.
Fallen Petals:

Earthly Treasures:

Then, there are the yarns!
Two new Navajo 3-plys -
Forest Gold and
Sea Story Blues.

Then, there have been the coils & beehives art yarns! I just "learned" how to do these recently and now it is difficult to not put them in every yarn! But, here are two where the coils are plentiful:
Jokers Wild, spun from a carded batt from

And, Spike's Heart, also from a carded batt from TerraBellaSpun:

Then, there were a few art yarns. The first one sold at my show last weekend. The second is now listed, and the last two are brand new. One is a custom order and the other will be listed soon!
Turquoise Dusk - sold

Plum Copper Surprise - one of my favorites! Now available.

And, PlumLime v.3 - this is a custom order.

And, it's sister, sort of, spun from the same fiber batch of hand dyed merino wool, but this one has more yellow and burgundy yarns spun into it! This one should be listed later today. I am calling it "Lemon Sangria Twist"

And, finally, here is a hand spun thick n thin single ply spun by me from BlueFaced Leicester wool hand dyed by the
Yarn Wench.

And! one last art yarn with coils & beehives! "Crazy Like A Gallant Fox" was spun from a carded batt called "Gallant Fox" from TerraBellaSpun and it has a fun novelty yarn spun in and is plied with rayon plying thread.
Oh yummy! Makes me want to try to knit again!
Your Forest Gold Navajo yarn is just beautiful!
thank you both! :)
ooooohhh pretty yarn!
that's another thing I could just buy forever- just to look at.
they look so Juicy!
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