This one is Navajo plied from handdyed Falkland wool from the Yarn Wench. I wanted to spin it for EtsyFAST's September Challenge, with a theme of apples/apple colors. The colors are a little darker than I wanted, so I'm calling it "In the Orchard at Midnight". 118 yards
On Saturday (Sept. 8) I did another show. Once again it wasn't great, but I got alot of spinning done. I finished one skein of the two below, and managed to spin most of the single for the second skein. Then, I finished plying it at home on Sunday. Both are Navajo plied from handdyed merino wool from the Yarn Wench. Her colorway was called "Sabrina" but I'm calling these yarns "Vintage Rose"
I also knit up another pair of wristwarmers from yarn that I spun! These I did get up on etsy yesterday, HERE. I'm going to try and get a couple more pairs done for this weekend--I have a big show in Cedarburg, WI. I am *really* hoping it goes better than the last 3! (the last 3 have been kinda bleah. I've made enough to cover my fees plus a little extra but definitely not enough for the time/effort of getting to them and sitting there all day. Thankfully I brought my spinning wheel to the last 2 so have least been productive!)
Anyways, that's all for now!
Oooo, all the new yarns look yummy, I have a hard time choosing a fave!
They look fabulous!
the autumn wish yarn is gorgeous and perfect for the fall favorite season. i was tagged a few days ago and now i'm passin' it on to you. so... tag! see my blog for details.
thanks everyone!
and, i'll try and get the tag entry done soon! :)
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