So, after 3 "bad" shows in a row (by bad I mean, making only a little over the cost of going, though I still did make "something" at each one), I admit to not really looking forward to this past weekend when I was a vendor at the Fall Harvest/Wine Festival in Cedarburg. I was secretly hoping this one would be good given the size and what I had heard from others, but you never know, and I admit I was dreading it.
Well, it was FABULOUS!!!!! It was SO worth the fee and the stress! I had a couple of return customers from a previous show which was great! I also had a woman (she is part of this group, the Crafty Angels) buy an armful of yarn for knitting holiday gifts! Her purchase alone made Saturday worth it! I actually sold more yarn than knits, though I did sell all 4 pairs of wristwarmers I had and both remaining shawls.
I had a perfect spot, in my opinion. I was in a high traffic area but not near some of the *really* crowded areas (like by the food). I was next to Amy's Candy with the Chocolate Factory on the other side of them. I had a small space on my other side, then another vendor. My spot was in perfect proximity to a side street where I could park all day. I also brought my spinning wheel, and on Saturday, I spun this yarn:
My friend came by on Saturday, but I was on my own on Sunday. This always stresses me out a little, but the people in the booth next to me were very cool and kept an eye on my wheel while I ran for a cookie & hot chocolate in the AM before it started. See, I usually get to shows right at the set-up time, even though it only takes me about an hour to set up. I do this, though, so I can get a good parking spot, and also so I'm not rushing around at the last minute. I also noticed that at this particular festival, which officially started at 10am, there were alot of people starting to look at 9am. Oh! And, I also met a fellow etsian, SaraLibbey! Yay for putting a face to a name!
And, the WEATHER! It was PERFECT!! A bit chilly on Saturday morning, but the cooler temperatures probably helped my sales in that it got people thinking about winter, knits, wool, etc! Sunday was a little warmer and a little less crowded, but it still seemed to be a hopping event! I definitely am hoping to do it again next year!
On Sunday, I also spun, and this is the result, another Navajo 3ply, this one probably DK weight or thinner (haven't checked the WPI yet):
I'll also quick show this yarn--it was done on Friday, sold on Saturday! i have more of the fiber so plan on spinning another one similar to this one:
I have a show this weekend but I should have enough to get me through, though I do plan on doing some knitting and spinning this week so I have some new things. THEN, I will need to really get productive again as I have some really big shows in November and December (and, hopefully October). I'm just so happy this show went well and I'm so thankful for all of the wonderful customers that came through my booth!