Art vs. Craft, Round 6
100 artists crafters and designers from Milwaukee & Beyond
$2 admission kids under 13 FREE
July 7th 11-7:30pm
July 8th 11-5:00pm
1025 N. Broadway in downtown Milwaukee
The first 200 shoppers on Saturday get a silk screened canvas tote bag full of goodies!!!
I will be in booth #80, in the back corner near the "Make & Take" area! If you are in the Milwaukee area hope to see you there!
Yesterday, the Fourth of July. It was the first day in over 2 months that I did *nothing*. I didn't knit, or spin, or take pictures of yarn, or blog, or ANYTHING!! We went to my boyfriend's Mom's house, hung out, drank Mike's Lime, and ate. It WAS nice, but wow, it was hot! We got home and I barely lasted an hour or two before I was asleep . . . by like 7 or 8pm! Though I did briefly wake up when the fireworks were going off--there are some that we can basically see right out our apartment window! All that sleep was good, though, because I did have to come in to work today, though I plan on leaving early so I can get home and resume "operations" to get ready for the show this weekend. I did spin a two-ply yarn on Tuesday that needs pictures taken, and I have a shawl that needs finishing. I also hope to spin probably one more yarn before Saturday . . . then, it is LABELING time! I have probably over 100 items to label since I have all new cards/labels now!
What would a post of mine be without some pictures, though? Here are a couple of things finished earlier in the week:
Message in a Bottle Hand Knit Handspun Art Hat & Scarf Set:
And, here is a single ply yarn spun up:
Then, there are the Daydream Believer Yarns. I love these! They turned out so nice and am impressed with the yardage--120 and 134 yards! Of Art Yarn! Woohoo! There are lots more pics on flickr, but here are a couple of the best ones:
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