AND, on top of all of that, I actually still got a yarn spun up! First, I got some cards together for the WIST business card swap but that left me with about 2 hours to spin . . . I thought, hmm, what could I spin in that time? I had some fiber prepped that was supposed to be a two-ply . . . but then realized that one of the colors of Moda Dea Frivolous that I had matched it perfectly . . . so, I spun up a bulky single, then plied it with the Frivolous. This yarn, btw, happens to be my favorite novelty yarn EVAH! It is fabulous--super soft and shimmery from the metallic strand in it . . . I was able to get a lot of it at a *really* good price, but alas that source is no more so I am kind of hoarding what I do have . . . but, I couldn't resist using it in this case . . . here is the yarn (and these pics aren't the best, but you should get the idea):
Tonight, I will finally spin up a two ply out of "Maritime", more handdyed fiber from the Yarn Wench. This fiber has been . . . difficult . . and has been ready for spinning for almost a week, but I just couldn't decide what to do with it! I really want to spin a two-ply out of it as it is more of a "guy" color, but I have perfectly matching novelty yarns that could be plied in and I can't imagine a "guy" hat or scarf being made with one of my fluffy, novelty-yarn filled yarns!? So, since I did the "fun" yarn last night, tonight I will do the two-ply. I figure, I can always use the matching yarns later in a finished knit item . . . if the yarn doesn't sell first.
I also got the new FIBER OF THE MONTH from SpunkyEclectic yesterday! I'll be spinning that up pretty soon, too. I hate to be "boring" but I'm pretty sure it will be a single ply like the last one I did, or a two-ply. It is BlueFacedLeicester, and it will be the first time I spun this type of wool! I can't wait!
But, now, I must work. :(
Oh yes! The yarn is beautiful. Such a bright vibrant turquoise and great texture.
thank you! :)
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