You can check out my handspun yarns here - Kitty Grrlz Hand Spun Yarns and my hand knit items here - Kitty Grrlz Hand Knits
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
My TV Debut!
Speaking of the Craftacular, it was another great show!! Naomi and Emily do such a great job getting this show set up and promoted--I really feel scoring the TV time helped a lot! There were quite a few people who came to the show on Sunday and specifically said they saw it on TV! It was another fun show, too, with great vendors and wonderful customers! I can't wait for the next one.
In other news, I will be doing my SECOND to LAST SHOW of the YEAR this SATURDAY! It is the 34th Annual ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR held at UW-Parkside in KENOSHA, WI this Saturday, December 1. The show runs from 10am-3pm and is in the Main Campus Complex. I will be in booth number 57 on the Union Bridge. If you are in the area, come on by!
I'd also like to add a BIG HUGE THANK YOU to all my craft show and online customers that have made this year so so good! I appreciate you all and hope you will continue to check out Kitty Grrlz. (There will be lots more new "stuff" in 2008--like a monthly newsletter, more bamboo, free patterns with purchases, and more! See my next post for more!)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
I'm going to be on TV!?
This weekend is the High Noon Saloon Holiday Craftacular in Madison, Wisconsin. A great Indie craft show, it runs from 10am-4pm on Saturday, November 24 and Sunday, November 25 at the High Noon Saloon, 701 E. Washington Street. For more information CLICK HERE.
SO, apparently the organizers (Naomi of Glitterworkshop and Emily of EKRA) do an amazing job of getting the word out about this show. Last year, there was an article in the Sunday newspaper, and this year . . . they are getting even more press . . . and will be on the NBC15 Weekend Live show on the Sunday morning of Craftacular (November 25). They will be doing satellite interviews with Naomi, Emily . . . and ME! I believe I will get to talk a little about the show, but mostly about spinning! Yay!
But, I admit I am freaking out a little. I know my enthusiasm is great but I'm worried I will ramble too much! But, how cool!! I am excited and just know this will be a great show! (But if anyone has any helpful tips for the TV interview, I'd love the hear them!)
Speaking of great shows, the DIY Trunk Show was last weekend (Saturday, November 17 in Chicago) and it was FABULOUS! So many great people came out to support handmade! And, what was especially cool was I had return customers! People who saw me last year and came back to find me this year! I am so thankful and happy for this . . . and of course all of the new buyers as well! It's funny, I almost thought about not applying for the Trunk Show this year . . . but I'm so glad I did. The Chicago Craft Mafia put on a wonderful event and I hope they do it again next year!
In other news, here are just a couple quick pictures of some new items:
Okay, I better go now . . . don't forget . . . if you are in the Madison area-- CRAFTACULAR THIS WEEKEND!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's time for the DIY TRUNK SHOW!
I LEARNED HOW TO KNIT AT THAT SHOW! :) The local Stitch n Bitch group was giving lessons up on the stage in the Auditorium. Our spot was very near there and since it is was quiet at first (and, a fellow librarian was there helping me) I went up to get my free lesson. They provided acrylic yarn and metal needles. They showed the cast on and then the knitting. I was all thumbs, seriously. I never thought I would get it! I felt like an idiot and was sure the girl trying to teach me thought I was too. BUT . . . when I got home I went out and bought some purple yarn (they had given me yellow, not really my favorite color) and started knitting. I just knit and knit and knit . . . I ended up knitting a long rectangular object that today most resembles a table runner (yes, I do still have it!).
THAT was the beginning. I jumped into knitting full speed ahead and by the next year at the very same show (2005 DIY Trunk Show), I was there with HAND KNIT items. Lots of them. AND, I wore the SWEATER that I knit. My enthusiasm was probably just a little toxic as I told *everyone* who would listen that, why, yes, I did knit my sweater, AND I LEARNED HOW TO KNIT AT THIS SHOW!" ;) You can actually see me and my racks of scarves in this picture. (The picture is actually from the 2006 show!)
But, you say, don't you spin now more than knit? Well, yes, I probably do. BUT, had I never learned to knit . . . I wouldn't have come across the YARN WENCH. In the summer of 2006, a fellow librarian forwarded a link to her Pirate Yarns. I was definitely intrigued as at that time, well, I was a horrible yarn cheapskate! First, I didn't like wool and tended to stay away from it. Second, I wouldn't spend more than $3-5 on a ball of yarn. Horrible! Anyways, I bought one of Lynn's Pirate Yarns, THIS ONE as a matter of fact, and I was hooked! It was SO SOFT! (I didn't know wool could be so soft!) and I just became entranced by her art yarns! Now, I still use the occasional craft store yarn, but using handspun has definitely spoiled me and I do prefer it over any other kind!
Then, she started selling handdyed fiber, and of course the wheels were turning . . . if I could buy the fiber and spin my own, then I could sell the yarn AND the knit items WITH MY OWN yarn! It just sounded so fun . . .
And, so, that's what I did. I took a class last December and bought my wheel December 17, 2006. I haven't even been spinning a year and yet I feel like I've been doing it forever! I DO love it, and, really, when you think about it, IT'S ALL THANKS TO THE DIY TRUNK SHOW!
So, please consider stopping by! It is SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17 from 10am-6pm at the Pulaski Park Fieldhouse, 1419 W. Blackhawk, Chicago, IL. For lots more information and a list of vendors, CLICK HERE.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Christmas in the Country Craft and Art Show
This SATURDAY, November 10 (tomorrow!) I will be at the Christmas in the Country Craft & Art Show in Deerfield, Wisconsin. It is at the new elementary school -- 340 West Quarry Street -- in Deerfield, WI.
The show runs from 9am-3pm
$1 admission for adults, kids are free!
**Make and Take Craft Workshop for kids!
**Afternoon Visit from SANTA!
Concessions and free babysitting service available throughout the day!
If you are in the area, come on by!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
My Bleeding Heart! Scarf
Thursday, November 1, 2007
CRAFTED! in Palatine, IL November 4
CRAFTED! in Palatine, Illinois!
It is at Durty Nellies and will be a great place to start your holiday shopping!
It is from 9am-4pm and there will be a masseuse on-site offering chair massages!
For more information, CLICK HERE!