You can check out my handspun yarns here - Kitty Grrlz Hand Spun Yarns and my hand knit items here - Kitty Grrlz Hand Knits
Thursday, May 31, 2007
More Bamboo!
Chocolate Covered Cherries
Here are some more pictures:
More Bamboo!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Something Different . . .
Here is a shot of the single on the bobbin:
I wasn't sure whether or not to ply it, but I really don't like curly-cue singles, so I plied it with some thread. Here are two shots--the first with flash and the second without:
I actually really like how it turned out and it is soo shiny and soft! This is 84 yards bulky weight yarn. It should be up on my website later today and might show up one etsy at a later date.
Since I enjoyed spinning this, I plan on spinning up another colorway tonight!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
"Patience" is a handspun two-ply Merino DK weight yarn. It was spun from the February Fiber of the Month from Spunky Eclectic, called "Forecast". I am calling the finished yarn "Patience" because that is exactly what it took for me to get through spinning it! I much prefer spinning bulky yarns--I know I can finish one in the same amount of time as a hockey, baseball, or football game! (Okay, it may not be good to admit, but this IS usually the type of thing on the TV when I spin.) On the other hand, this two-ply yarn took MANY nights to spin! I finally managed to finish it up on Friday evening. I was so happy once it was done, not to mention amazed at the amount of yardage I got from the near-8 oz of fiber! One skein is 288 yards and the other is 240! This yarn is on etsy here! Here are a few more pictures:
Monday, May 28, 2007
Busy Spinning Weekend!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Buried in promos
BUT, I couldn't resist doing some spinning last night, and the end result is "Sunset Gold" hand spun novelty art yarn, with flowers! I also knit up a hat last week--it is knit with the YarnWench yarn called "Attitude" but I am calling my hat "Arizona Sunset". Here are some pictures:
Tonight, it is back to the promos, but I will be listing "Sunset Gold with Flowers" and it's flower-less companion on etsy tonight! The hat will be listed on my website.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Turquoise Rose - New 2ply Yarn!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Meet the Grrlz Pt. 2
During this time in Oregon, Jinx steered clear of Bug, often hiding out in the closet full of boxes:
After a year or so in California I wised up and realized I truly was a Mid-Western girl at heart and returned to Wisconsin. This is when Jinx really mellowed alot and Bug got fat(er)!
That left a hole in "kitty grrlz", but Bug has stepped up and been a great help to my crafting . . . umm, well, not *really* but she tries:
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Meet the Grrlz!
Jinx is no longer with me, but she lives on in the many pictures I have of her. She was my "original" "bitch kitty" which later evolved into my "kitty gRRl". I got her when I was in college, from the Brady Street pet store on the (lower) East Side of Milwaukee. She was kinda sickly compared to the other kittens available, and my choice was between her and a rambunctious orange kitten with lots of spunk. Jinx was the small, quiet one, but I chose her. I know she *needed* me more than the orange kitty as the orange kitten would have no problem finding a home. Jinx, on the other hand, might not have been as lucky. So, I took her home and she became my companion through my last years of college and grad school. Tomorrow I will post a picture of Jinx as a kitten, but here she was a few years old in her favorite spot in my apartment when I lived in California:
Jinx, the original kitty grrl, really is the reason for my name, Kitty Grrlz!
Tomorrow, I will tell you about Bug and show a few more pictures of Jinx!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Knitters & Crocheters-Trade blog links?
Sunday, May 13, 2007
New Yarns!
It felt so good to be spinning. I've missed it this week as I worked on my website. I have some more fiber ready to be spun tomorrow -- will be working on some 2plys this week!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I AM going to SPIN Today!
then, it is back to spinning two-plys! after getting all of my items listed on my new website, I realize I don't have many 2plys at all!
and yes, the website is all up and running! yeah!
AND, i had my first HAPPY HOUR sale last night on etsy! How exciting!
okay, off to get the errands out of the way . . .
Thursday, May 10, 2007
All fixed!
I have definitely learned my lesson and will not attempt to do anything other than add items from now on! :)
I did manage to add a few more items and should be able to finish up tomorrow.
Now, I just want to SPIN SPIN SPIN! I've hardly spun at all this week, being a little obsessed with getting the website up and running, and I have to work Sunday, but you can bet I will be spinning on Saturday--I'm going into withdrawal!
New Web Site Currently Down
What I learned: don't try to upgrade if you don't know anything about what you're trying to upgrade!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Web Site Updated tonight!
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Electric Avenue & Neon Lights Yarns
Electric Avenue, 75 yards:
Neon Lights, 85 yards:
Monday, May 7, 2007
Some new yarns!
The first is "Mermaid Locks" and it is spun with handdyed merino wool from the Yarn Wench
It also has dyed Romney locks spun in for a little something extra--I call it my 2ply with Flair! :)
And then there is "Punk Rock Princess" and "Punk Rock Valentine". These were both spun from a handdyed Merino Wool/Tussah Silk blend dyed by Pigeon Roof Studios.
Punk Rock Princess is plied with thread that has Swarovski crystals in Jet and Garnet strung on it, they are hard to see in the pictures, but there are over 30 of them on this 75 yard skein:
This weekend I spun up some more SparkleFluff and should be listing those two skeins tonight. They are "Neon Lights" in vivid neon pink and blue with a little black and orange in there, too, and "Electric Avenue" which is similar in color, but is dominated by black merino. Those should be posted tomorrow!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Party Girl!
Here is the new yarn:
I've actually had the website for quite awhile, but recently have been having someone work on it a little and customize it for me. I want to keep the website design simple and clean to make shopping on it nice and easy! I will continue to list on etsy, but will also be adding certain items to the website instead.
I also spun up a second skein of "Party Girl" yarn last night! That one may go on etsy!